Christine Furler

Mentor / Coach / Facilitator


I am a space holder for change and it is my pleasure to assist courageous individuals on their quest to their full potential and zest for life.My Holistic Coaching Sessions are individually tailored towards my clients' needs and typically include aspects of health, nutrition, exercise and most importantly the aspect of inner work. It is key to lasting and sustainable change, it is the missing link in most cases.I assist you in accessing your blind spots, shifting your perspective, opening up possibilities and in up-leveling your map of life. It is a process of including rather than excluding. I facilitate a safe space to bring to the forefront what you need to look at and transform.

My coaching combines different modalities, techniques and teachings. It is a powerful tool to rediscover yourself and reshape your life as a result.I can work with you once or in multiple sessions.

I also have a love for Aerial Arts and teach my signature style Aerial Yoga Flow on special occasions such as retreats, festivals, immersions and in a personal training set up. The next Teacher Training will happen in 2025.

Customized Sessions:
Everyone is unique and there is no size that fits all when it comes to personal and spiritual growth. I intuitively tailor my sessions to my clients needs in order to empower them into what they envision for themselves. Every session is different and uniquely adapted to what has to be called in and looked at.
Holistic Potions:
Transformational coaching leads to sustainable change and lasting results. Therefore physical, emotional and mental aspects need to work hand in hand. They are intimately connected and affect each other. I have a holistic approach to working with clients looking at physical up regulation, emotional liberation and spiritual connection. I encourage them to take action in all areas. And I resource them with tools and exercise to do so.
Radical Perspective Shifts:
Rewiring your brain chemistry happens through radical shifts in perception and by illuminating your blind spots. This can be a game changer for your healing process and lets you step into a new reality that can shift your life. These moments of truth and revelation can be deeply uncomfortable but so incredibly potent. I am here to ask powerful questions to initiate this process and I am here to be by your side while you transition full circle through all of what we unravel.
Are you ready?

Shift Support Package:
This is a 5 week 1:1 coaching package designed to deep dive into a specific shift.
It is for you if you are facing a decision, a change or a challenge in your life and would like to explore how to best move through it and grow along the way.
Trajectory Change Package:
This is a 3-6 months 1:1 coaching package designed to reshape your life on several levels. It will allow you to grow into an extended version of yourself, your relationships and your life.
It is for you if you know you are ready to gain momentum for a continuous personal development upgrade.
One Off Session:
There is always the possibility to dive into a topic for only one session and to see what perception explosions can be created.


I am an advocate for connecting personally.
All inquiries (English/German) go to:

However, if you already know that it is time for you to step into a transformational container with me and apply for coaching, please take the time to fill in the form below. This will help me to prepare our first conversation.


Christine is a multifaceted coach&mentor for personal development, a passionate aerial artist and free-spirited nomad.Born and raised in beautiful Switzerland, her life and career have led her to a solid understanding of a variety of work environments and social backgrounds, their challenges and imprints. And how this translates into our behavior.She draws from experiencing life as a semi-professional synchronized swimmer, a performing artist, a 500+h trained yoga teacher, a project coordinator in big companies, a personal assistant to CEOs and an entrepreneur.She has dedicated the last 15+ years to deeply exploring body health and inner work systems, approaches and philosophies. Diving deep into personal development, subconscious reprogramming, trauma healing and demystifying spirituality she gradually transitioned into a multifaceted and multi-modality equipped coaching facilitator. She has created a unique blend of tools and techniques that she individually caters to her clients’ needs.For sustainable change and lasting results, physical, emotional and mental aspects need to work hand in hand. They are intimately connected and affect each other.Christine has a holistic approach to working with her clients bringing together physical upregulation, emotional liberation and spiritual connection. She encourages her clients to take action in all areas. And she resources them with tools and exercise to do so.

Es ist Tradition, zum Jahresende einen Blick zurückzuwerfen und Vorsätze für die kommenden Monate zu verfassen.Es ist auch Tradition, dass wir das mehr oder weniger strukturiert formulieren, an Silvester dann grossartig darauf anstossen oder sogar ein kleines Ritual zur Festigung abhalten. Und dann ist es tatsächlich auch Tradition, dass diese Vorsätze im Januarloch verschwinden und nie was daraus wird...Kommt dir das bekannt vor? Hast du Lust, dass mal anders zu machen?

Dann hab ich was für dich. Ich habe ein Year End -Angebot zusammengestellt, dass dir hilft, den Jahreswechsel mit all den Vorsätzen besser für dich nutzen zu können. Wir unterstützen dich mit konzentrierter Kraft
⦿ beim Rückblick.
⦿ beim Herausfiltern deiner Vorsätze.
⦿ bei deinem Umsetzungsplan.

3 Sessions

Session 1 - Rückblick
Session 2 - Vision
Session 3 - Weg zur Vision

Wie wir das machen:
Wir tauchen während 3 Wochen jeweils einmal pro Woche für 60min in deine Welt ein und finden heraus wo du gerade stehst, wo du hin willst und wie du dahin kommst. Du gehst danach mit einer klaren Vision und einem passenden Umsetzungsplan in das neue Jahr hinein.

Kosten: 300 €

Mein Geschenk an dich: Wenn du dich entscheidest, weiterhin mit mir zu arbeiten, rechne ich dir die 300 € an das Coaching-Packet an, welches wir für dich zusammenstellen.
Das Year End -Angebot ist bis am 05.01.24 buchbar.
Mein Tipp: Das ist ein sehr günstiger Stundenansatz und eine grossartige Gelegenheit für dich Coaching auszuprobieren!

Year Ends typically invite to reflect and create an outlook for what is coming and what might be great to call into action for the months ahead.And typically we do this in an unfocused and unstructured way. Maybe we make a list and call in the spirits on New Year's Eve, but then it all typically dissolves into January with no action taken...Sounds familiar? Let's switch it up this year!

I have created a Year End Offer for you to make the transition smoother. It helps you to step into reflection and create an outlook that leaves you
⦿ with clarity on where you are now.
⦿ with excitement on where you want to go and how to get there!

3 Sessions

Session 1 - Reflection
Session 2 - Vision
Session 3 - How to get there!

How it works:
We meet on Zoom once a week for 3 weeks and dedicate 60 Minutes to unfolding where you are now, where you want to go and how to get there!
You will walk away with a clear outlook and action steps.

Investment: 300 €

My gift to you: If you decide to continue to work with me, I will accredit the 300 € to the package we create for you.
This Year End Offer is bookable until 05.01.2024
On a personal note: This is an incredibly low hourly rate! And it is the perfect opportunity to try out coaching!